NEA Briefs 1

NEA 30 hours - March 2019

  • K: The requirements for each of the briefs set by OCR.
  • U: How to approach the chosen brief, including writing the statement of intent.
  • BAT: Choose a brief and start planning what to write in the statement of intent.
  • CO: Use media terminology (all areas of the theoretical framework) in your written and verbal communication.

Task 1- Read through the brief and select ONE... write a short paragraph as why you chose it.  Make sure you include the following information in your explanation as well:

- What skills do you already have that can help you produce your chosen media texts?
- What skills do you intend to develop whilst working on your media texts?

I chose Brief 1 where you have to make a front cover and double page spread article for an educational magazine amide at 10-13 years old. I chose this Brief because I think it is the easiest and best suited for skills. What skills that I think that I already have is that I have a good vocabulary in English but I hope to learn how to Photoshop.  I also want to practice my writing and how to write Newspaper skills.

Task 2-  Create a mind map of initial ideas for the product in your chosen brief.  You may use popplet, padlet or other technology to record this.


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