
Showing posts from June, 2019

Statement of intent

Statement of intent The statement of intent is a document that you need to write detailing some aspects of your production, like how you intent to use media language to target your audience and the type of representations you will use to appeal to your target audience. The two questions you need to answer are: Outline your plans for your production including:  How you intend to use  Media Language  to target your intended audience   How you intend to use  Media Representations  that are appropriate to your intended audience Media Language for Magazine: Colour - denotation/connotation. Typography - size, type of font (serif/sans serif) and colour of font. Image - type of shot (CU, MS, LS, etc) and camera angle. Layout - what goes where on the page and the meaning it creates. Above all, you need to consider how these elements create meaning to the audience and how these create the desired representations that your audience will understand. Yo...